Friday, November 14, 2014

Two Milestones Reached... What Happens If...

Tonight, our campaign broke the $9,000 mark!  There are ebbs and flows to this campaign, and I still believe that it has yet to go viral in a way I think is entirely possible. The message of the video is solid, and the more people who see it, the more buzz there is about what National Purebred Dog Day is doing, and what it can accomplish.

Imagine one of those inane (and often inaccurate) lists we find on Yahoo or the Huffington Post claiming to know the "Top Ten Most (fill in the blank) Breeds" being replaced by the results of a survey of 35,000 purebred dog owners who know what they're talking about?  Those 35,000 people are the fans of the NPDD page!

This is what a grassroots movement looks like, friends, and you've helped advance it. Each one of you.  And what does it look like when those efforts get noticed? Like this:

National Purebred Dog Day's campaign was named Number One in KickSpy's Top 100 Campaigns in Journalism as of tonight. Let's keep it going!

And finally, I've been asked what happens not only if the goal isn't met, but if it is.  Since I won't entertain negative thoughts about the campaign right now, I'll answer the last question.  If the goal is met before the deadline, I hope people keep donating! Why? Two reasons: First, because, as my mom always used to say, things always cost more than you think they will. If I missed something in calculating expenses, it'd be nice to have that cushion. Second, if, and it's a big if, some of the donations have been made by people unsympathetic to our cause who intend to pull them at the 11th hour thereby dooming us to fail, a cushion would protect against that.

Till the next update, keep up the good fight, keep sharing the Kickstarter link and the video, talk about it with your friends, and love your purebred dogs.

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