Wednesday, September 25, 2013


By: Frank Losey (
Information on Website:

I wish to share what I believe "Everyone Needs to Hear, Rather Than What They Want to Hear."

The APHIS FINAL RULE is like a runaway freight train, and I personally and professionally believe that the only realistic, practical way to "derail" the "freight train" before November 17, 2013 is for a Federal Judge to issue a Temporary (ideally a Permanent) Injunction that would expressly prohibit the USDA from implementing the Final Rule. In short, the "60-Day Time Bomb clock" is ticking, and if a Federal Injunction is not issued before November 17, 2013, the APHIS Final Rule will have the "EFFECT" OF LAW THAT MAY BE ENFORCED AGAINST ANY BREEDER THAT APHIS (A.K.A. MS. SARAH L. CONANT) DETERMINES TO BE IN NON-COMPLIANCE!

Although the APHIS Final Rule is a "Regulation," it is a "Readers Digest" version of the PUPS Bill, and it will "grease" the HSUS path for HSUS to begin 2014 with a Full Court Press to persuade Congress to enact the PUPS Bill. In this regard, an unchallenged APHIS Final Regulation will strengthen the arguments that HSUS will put forward for Congress to enact the PUPS Bill. And what is so chilling is that when the PUPS Bill comes up for a vote, the APHIS Rule will - - repeat "WILL" - - be cited in support of an "eleventh hour" floor amendment to add a few tweaks that purportedly will be technical in nature, but could be the final nails being drilled into the figurative coffins of all Hobby and Commercial Breeders.

While there is so much truth in the adage that "Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures," I fervently believe that "Desperate Measure" of citing subjective "loopholes," such as claiming that all dogs bred fall into the hunting or working or any other "exempt" dog category is doomed - - yes
doomed - - to failure because Dr. Rushin stated that decisions will be made on a "case by case" basis. Such a subjective "case by case" statement could be cited as one of the judicial arguments for seeking a Federal Injunction because it constitutes an admission that the Final Rule is so vague and ambiguous that breeders may be subject to subjective rather than objective standards, which will create a realistic potential that their Constitutionally guaranteed due process rights may be jeopardized because they will be subject to arbitrary interpretations that would not stand the scrutiny of judicial review. In this regard, bear in mind that "case by case" interpretations may very well be made by Ms. Sarah L. Conant, the former HSUS Litigation Attorney who is now the Chief of the APHIS Investigative and Enforcement Branch! And she has the authority to decide how great fines will be for a violation of this Final Rule, and in "appropriate" cases, she may further make recommendations as to "prosecutions!"

BOTTOMLINE: Those who believe they can circumvent compliance with the Final Rule by claiming that they fall within an "exception" are playing with fire that could ultimately result in fines and lifetime prohibitions from ever being permitted to breed dogs. That is why it is so important to challenge the Final Rule before it becomes, in effect, a "Rule of Law." In this regard, if all breeders contacted their respective Member Organizations and urged them to immediately and collaboratively work together in order to seek a Federal Injunction NOW, the "Window of Opportunity" to stop the "runaway freight train" will not be lost, and the PUPS Bill may be mortally wounded, and lose Congressional Support!

The "Desperate Measure" that has the greatest chance of success to stall and "derail" the runaway APHIS FINAL RULE freight train is for all breeders - - Hobby and Commercial Breeders - - to make a commitment to "STAND UNITED," and to cease and desist "pointing fingers at one another," and follow the HSUS Playbook Strategy of presenting a "unified front."

Last year the HSUS orchestrated the APHIS Proposed Rule as part of its "masterful" and diabolical Strategic Plan, which it has "masterfully" orchestrated over the last 10+ years by, step-by-step, deceiving and dividing the breeder community of Hobby and Commercial Breeders. First, it deceived the hobby breeder community in the 2004-2006 time-frame by claiming that it only was targeting the commercial breeders which it referred to as the nasty and inhumane "PMs." (Note I never publicly use the phrase that the "PM" stands for because it was designed by the HSUS to create a false image in the minds of the America Public and Elected Officials! And it has worked, even though it is the equivalent of a despicable racial or ethnic slur.)

Many within the Hobby Breeder Community have used the HSUS' "PM" phrase over and over again without realizing that this usage supported the "divide and conquer strategy" of the HSUS because it offended a significant number of Commercial Breeders who truly, truly care about the health and welfare of their dogs and puppies, and who meet or exceed even the AKC Standards. And to the dismay of AKC and the thousands of AKC Breeders, they were shocked on May 1, 2013 when the HSUS stated that the AKC was "joined at the hip" with the "PMs!" All the more reason for AKC Breeders to cease using the "PM" phrase that predictably will transition into the HSUS referring to
Commercial "PMs" and Hobby "PMs."

Predictably, the HSUS will use any attempt by the Hobby Community to exempt themselves out from under the Final Rule as further evidence that the AKC and its Hobby Breeders are "joined at the hip" with the "PMs," and the HSUS will put on a major push at the beginning of next year to claim that the
flaws associated with the APHIS Final Rule can only be corrected by the passage of PUPS. In short, "loophole" arguments will be cited as a reason for swift passage of the PUPS Bill, at which time a few "tweaked" provisions will be added as late night "Floor Amendments," which Amendments would
tighten the noose tighter around the necks of all breeders - - Hobby and Commercial - - and provide yet another basis for HSUS to press for publishing a new and even more stringent Final Rule that will have death knoll implications for all breeders. This is why Commercial Breeders must support all efforts by the Hobby Breeder Community to stop the USDA from enforcing the Final Rule with a Federal Injunction. In this regard, if the collective efforts of "ALL" breeders resulted in a Federal Injunction that barred the enforcement of the APHIS Final Rule, such an Injunction would all but absolutely- positively "kill" - - like a "poison pill - - the PUPS Bill, which Bill is even worse than the APHIS Final Rule. Thus, a "WIN-WIN" for all Hobby Breeders and all Commercial Breeders. In short, the PUPS Bill would become "toxic," and even the current co-sponsors would not push for a vote.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin: "We must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." In short, Commercial Breeders must support any effort by the Hobby Breeders to obtain a Federal Injunction that will stop the USDA from enforcing the APHIS Final Rule on November 17, 2013.

The time, cost and expense of seeking a Federal Injunction will be substantial. However, in the long run, the cost of supporting the effort to obtain a Federal Injunction will pale in comparison to the financial and psychological cost to all affected breeders who are forced to either comply with the APHIS Final Rule, as interpreted by Ms. Conant, or to cease breeding dogs all together. In this regard, no Hobby Clubs or State Commercial Breeder Organizations have the financial resources to independently fund an effort to stop the immediate and follow-on "carnage" that will occur if the Final Rule is not successfully challenged in a Federal Court. That is why I believe that it is imperative for an
organization, such as AKC, to take the lead in pursuing the effort to seek a Federal Injunction. They have the name recognition and stature to make the representation to a Federal Court that it has "legal standing" to represent the interests of the single "largest class" of breeders in the U.S., as opposed to just a few breeders. Here it is significant to note that AKC Breeders not only include Hobby Breeders, but also include a significantly large number of USDA Commercial Breeders. While AKC is in the best position to take the lead, all other Commercial and Hobby Breeder Organizations should financially support the Federal Injunction Option to the best of their financial ability.

If the APHIS Final Rule is not Successfully Challenged, there may not be another opportunity to derail the HSUS Freight Train. From a military perspective, when possible, it is best to pick the battles you have the best chance to win. The APHIS Final Rule may be the best battle to wage because there are so many flaws and "omissions" in the Background Justification published in the Federal Register that may be cited as the legal bases for a Federal Judge to grant an Injunction. (I do not wish to publicly cite all
of the legal bases as I do not believe it is prudent to give the HSUS a "heads-up." Never tell your enemy how you plan to defeat it!)

BOTTOMLINE: As an attorney, I professionally believe that the published discussion of the Comments that APHIS referenced in the September 18, 2013 Federal Register provides a number of legal arguments that may be cited in support of a Lawsuit that seeks to restrain the USDA and APHIS from
enforcing the APHIS Final Rule.

The Words of "It's Now or Never" have never been truer or more appropriate to say.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Flies and Pestilence.... Oh My!

In communications to the Zoning board about the Andrew Cross & Dorothea Lotter d/b/a Edgewood Longears Safehouse zoning case, one of the concerns that I've voiced concerns pestilence, which includes flies and rodents.  Flies have been a big problem now for a couple of years and rodents have been a concern, especially mice, since they can carry two deadly diseases:  Hanta Virus and Plague, among other transmissible diseases, including cuterbra aka "bot fly", a parasite.  Cuterebra flies are found in conjunction with rodents and, as any horse owner knows, rodents are a problem when you have livestock to feed.

Several of us have complained to Zoning about the trash in their yards and that the trash can serve as a home for mice, rats, snakes (rattlesnakes), black widow spiders, and other unwanted critters.  

Trash Piles for Rodents and Other Pests to Hide
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "Plague has occurred in rural and semi-rural areas of the western United States, primarily in semi-arid upland forests and grasslands where many types of rodent species can be involved. Many types of animals, such as rock squirrels, wood rats, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, mice, voles, and rabbits can be affected by plague."

We've lived out here for 20 years and in all that time, some of our neighbors have had a horse or two.  When we first moved in all those years ago, there were people out here running cattle.  One morning, I awoke to find 5 steer of various vintages roaming around in my garden.  I went outside and shooed them away with a dish cloth.  The sheriff's dept came by and lassoed them up and took them home.  It's been interesting.  However, I must say in all those years, we've never had the fly problems like we have had the past 2 or 3 years.

Nampa's Butt - Bot Fly Larva Infection
This year, the flies have been absolutely wicked.  Before putting the dogs outside for any reason, they get sprayed with fly spray.  The yard is picked up religiously to help control flies.  We are using fly traps...  fly paper... and fly swatters and still there are flies.  I HATE flies!  The large numbers of donkeys being kept by the neighbors doesn't help with the fly situation and neither does the fact that they do not religiously pick up the animal waste in their yards.

So, where am I going with this?  Several of my dogs have been infected with bot fly larvae.  My vet is of the opinion that the problem has its roots in the neighbors' donkeys, probably from the manure that isn't picked up regularly.  That manure draws in the flies.  In 20 years, we've never had a dog get a bot fly infection.  Now, at least three of them are infected.  I'm seriously upset.

Oh...  by the way, people can also become infected with bot flies.  I think it's time to buy some hazmat suits for us and the dogs.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Don't Let The Rain Come Down....

In the mornings, as we drink our coffee, we like to watch Steve Stucker on Channel 4, KOB-TV.  This morning, he was saying that the state will be getting more rain today and for several days more.  Now then, I like rain and we've been in a drought and the state NEEDS the rain, but come on now...  can we have one sunny day or a couple of sunny hours between storms?  For some reason, a song from the 1960's is running through my brain, "Don't Let the Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)".  It's a cute song by the Serendipity Singers and I believe it reached #2 during 1964, right behind the Beatles!

The refrain goes...
Ah Ah Oh No Don't Let the rain come down,
Ah Ah Oh No Don't Let the rain come down,
Ah Ah Oh No Don't Let the rain come down,
My roof's got a hole in it and I might drown...
Oh yes, my roof's got a hole in it and I might drown.
I know...  I know....  no complainin' when it's rainin'.  However, most of the state continues to be under flood watches and flood warnings.  While we are OK up here on our hill, many in the state are not OK.  Lives have been lost and homes destroyed.  It's bad, folks, and many formerly dry arroyos and river beds are flowing full, hard, and fast.

Flood Watches & Warnings on Mon, Sep 16
The hounds & I have been pretty much house bound because of the mud.  Our drive, rather than having puddles, has a lake.  Yesterday, I took a shovel and dug a small trench to help drain the drive.  Makes me feel like I'm living in a rural, red neck area because I can go "mud bogging" in the front yard!

Mud Bog in Front Drive
Mud in this neck of the woods is its own life form.  Anyone who has any experience with it knows why they use it to make bricks and adobe homes.  Once it hardens, there is no removing it.  When you walk in it, you grow by inches.  Years ago, whippet owner & vet, Lisa Costello, wrote a poem about "mud...  Albuquerque mud."  I surely wish I had kept that poem.

The neighbor's donkey paddocks down by the road have standing water in them. The poor critters are standing in mud & muck.  As I drove by on Saturday to go to the yarn store, where I'd not been in two weeks, I couldn't help but notice the mud caked onto their hooves.  The picture below was taken on Saturday, Sept 14 at 9:44 a.m., when I was driving past.  Poor things!

Edgewood Longears Safehouse Flooded Donkey Pen
As bad as the donkeys have it, a new neighbor to the south is getting it worse.  The flow going through that flood area (yes, the donkey pens are built in a flood drainage area), is to the south.  All the water that has gone through those pens has settled in the one to two acre field that is housing two horses.  At least, the horses have grass underfoot.  They don't have to stand in mud.

Ah ah...  oh no....  don't let the rain come down....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

More on the Weather...

Today is something like the 5th day in a row where it's raining.  I've not seen rain like this since leaving Maryland in 1993. Locals say it hasn't rained like this in New Mexico since the 1970's, maybe the 1960's.

Last night, early this morning, we had a rip snorter of a storm roll through. It was probably the most violent storm we've had in the 20 years that we've been living in this house. We were seeing lightning every couple of seconds and there was one that was so strong, it shook the house.  Excepting for Nampa, the dogs were shaking in their paws.

Javelin (L) & Jib (R) in Front Yard
We've had several inches of rain and it is commonly said that 1" of rain = 12" of snow.  If this weather holds, we're going to get a normal winter here, which is something we've not had since before the Maxies lived in the house next door. That was in 2004, I think.

Look at the photo of Jib & Javelin running in the snow in the front yard. In places, the snow was deeper than they were tall.

Javelin was returned to us as a yearling in 2003 after her "owner" bugged out, abandoning her and the other greyhounds in his possession.  Thankfully, Laurie Soutar took them in.  She kept Javelin for the coursing season and then returned her to us after Jan 1, 2004.  In 2006, we had a good snowstorm at Christmas, when we got about 24" or so.  But, we really haven't had a normal winter or snowfall since.

Nick in the Front Yard
I don't know what the neighbors with their donkeys are going to do if we have a normal winter & normal snowfall.  They won't be able to get out of the neighborhood in their small, yellow car to buy feed for the donkeys.

In a normal winter, there are times lasting several days, sometimes a week, when we cannot get out with the 4WD Toyotas. Sometimes the snow has been so deep that State government has been known to send around front end loaders to DIG OUT people! One year during Bill Richardson's term of office, the State was dropping livestock feed to herds of cattle which were stranded without feed.  I seem to think that happened the year we had 11 feet of snow in our front yard.  It can get bad out here.  The neighbors with the donkeys have no experience with a normal, East Mountain winter and our normal snowfalls.

Well... I'm kind of curious as to how the shelters for the donkeys, which appear rather ramshackle, will hold up with a foot or more of snow on them.  I'm also wondering how their fences will hold up. It may be an interesting winter.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Rain.... Rain... Rain...

Today marks day 3 of some, at times, torrential rains in New Mexico. There's mud everywhere and it's the deep, boot sucking off kind of mud.  You step in it and your shoe is gone, never to be retrieved.

Flood Watches in New Mexico
I'm guessing that we've had about 2" of rain here at the house.  However, other parts of the state are in much worse shape.  We're quite fond of saying, "No complaining when it's raining..." but this is rather extreme.  Roads are closed throughout the state because of storm damage; Roswell is flooded; and about 80% of the state is under either a flood watch or warning.  Good Lord! People have had to be airlifted out of Artesia and the Guadalupe mountains in southern NM saw more than 11" of rain!


Posted at: 10: 41 AM MDT Friday Sep 13 2013
Expires: 7: 00 PM MDT Friday Sep 13 2013

They are aying that the rain will continue all day today and more is forecast for tomorrow.  









Colorado has it worse. Lives have been lost in Colorado.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget...

2,977 victims of which 2,753 were in the Twin Towers in NYC....  Gordon Aammoth Jr...  The first of the names to be read in New York.

2nd Jet Striking the World Trade Center on 9-1-1
It's been twelve years...  twelve years since the Twin Towers fell in a heinous, terrorist attack, an attack that had been compared to the sneak attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941, another day that lives in infamy.

It seems like not a day has gone. The pain and anger is fresh. Perhaps some have forgotten, but not all. The friends and relatives, who lost love ones, have not forgotten and neither have I.  I'll never forget seeing my elderly mom crying, saying, "It's Pearl Harbor all over again."  That was the day I comforted my mom, rather than my mom comforting me.  It changed the relationship between us forever up until the day she died.

I'll never forget desperately trying to get my brother on the phone to check on the kids, my niece & nephew, and keeping those efforts away from my elderly mom - their grandmother.  You see, they were both in New York at that time.  Hours later, my brother was finally reached and he let me know that "the kids are fine... they are safe."  I thanked God many times that day for that small miracle.

One of the USS Joseph Hewes family, Capt Robert Edward Dolan, was lost that day at 9:37 a.m. when American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Our hearts are with his family on this day, as they are with all the families.

This was a horrible and terrible day.

God bless everyone on this day of remembrance. May we all reflect on what is truly important - our families and friends.  Never forget...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A New Friend...

I made a new friend today, Santa Fe Deputy Sheriff Stephen Orr.  What a nice man!

He stopped by the house last week one day, while I was out. He left his card with the short note, "Please call!"   Come to find out, he needed to deliver some correspondence regarding Alberta "C.C." Hockett aka Alberta "C.C." Evans of Canyon, TX, who owes me a large sum of money from a judgment against her for breech of contract with regard to a dog, Ch DM Dots N' Dashes, I loaned to her son, a junior handler at that time.

Anyway, Deputy Orr finally caught up with me today, when I met him at the Dairy Queen in Edgewood.  What a nice man!  We instantly hit it off and probably chatted about all things hither, thither, and yon for the next 20-30 minutes. I left him with the promise that the next time we go prairie dog hunting, I will call him and let him know.  I really hope he's able to come along with us. However, realistically, between his schedule, Rob's schedule, my schedule, and anyone else's schedule, it may be difficult for all of us to be in the same place at the same time.  But I can hope!

In addition to the prairie dog hunting, he's interested in possibly joining up with Rob and the NM MILSURPS (NM Military Surplus Shooters) for their Sunday shoots.

Did I happen to mention, I really like this man!

I'm honored to call the Deputy, this fine man, my friend.

Monday, September 9, 2013

As A Neighborhood...

This was originally posted as a reply under the comments on the post titled, Stalking Me.  However, I deleted it there and am putting it here.

Barbara, perhaps they should have talked to the neighbors before deciding to put a livestock rescue in the neighborhood. The neighbors said nothing up until the filing with zoning, because we were trying to be good neighbors, sucking up our complaints because we had been assured by Andrew on numerous occasions that, "It's only temporary." Well, the neighbors are still waiting for the "temporaries" to leave.

Robert, yes, the neighbors believe that the potential for them to harm us exists. They have already exhibited complete disregard for the neighbors over the years in several ways, not all of which are related to donkeys. In this particular instance, they crossed a line that should never have been crossed with their comments and implied threats about an armed vigilante group, regardless of whether or not it was true.

With regard to the knocked over sign, anyone, who knows this area, could look at how the sign was laying on the ground and with the given "directions", determine that no car hit it. It has every appearance of being staged. Then, to implicate one of the neighbors by the color of their truck... bad, bad, bad. If a dead animal was placed on the fence post, why is there no photo? There are photos of everything else.

Robert, not having a Federal tax exempt I.D., charity status, or sanction by the NMLB has not stopped them from soliciting donations in the past, why should the neighbors actions to prevent the zoning change keep them from getting donations now?

As a neighborhood, we do not want the donkey rescue. Several of us have been harassed by abusive phone calls and other such nonsense.

As a neighborhood, we no longer trust the residents of that property. They have abused the neighbors' goodwill. Just as some of their supporters have abused this blog by posting hateful comments, some of which have been removed.

As a neighborhood, we feel they are not people who honor their word. Out here a man's word is his bond.

As a neighborhood, we do not want a business, especially one that brings strangers into the area.

As a neighborhood, we want our quality of life back; our peace & quiet. When they had 2 donkeys, it was quiet. When they took in a small herd of donkeys, it became noisy and it hasn't been quiet since.

As a neighborhood, we do not blame or hate the animals. It isn't their fault; the fault lies with the people. Prior owners of the property had animals, including livestock (horses) and there were few issues.

This entire situation is of their making. They should try to fit into the neighborhood; not the neighborhood change to fit them.

And, yes, I am speaking for the neighborhood as interim President of the County Line Neighborhood Association.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dyno-Mutt Systems Press Release - Gas Attacks...

With all the talk lately of gas attacks in Syria, we here at Dyno-Mutt Systems, a division of Yummy Mutt Feeds, thought to bring to light this almost, long lost press release about our bio-engineered, gas recycling system called FAART.

This recycling system was the product of the fine engineers at Dyno-Mutt Systems, Inc. We here at Dyno-Mutt suspect that the Syrians have stolen our patent and are using the FAART system for their nefarious purposes.  We wanted to clear the air.  We disavow any connection to the Syrian government.

Here is our original press release...




JULY 1996

Introducing the newest system of integrated greyhound design and utilization, Dyno-Mutt Systems is proud to announce the release of FAART (Fast Acceleration And Rapid Transit).

A Pair of FAART Equipped Greyhounds
FAART is an innovative, gaseous system that integrates several purposes of the flexible greyhound design. It provides both rapid acceleration and transport for the dogs. And, most importantly, it surpasses the stringent California EPA standards for fuel powered vehicles.

FAART can be used in the following ways:

Hook FAART up to the existing fuel system of your transport vehicle. Not only will you get a cleaner exhaust and non-polluting vehicle, but the higher octane rating (200) provides more pickup than ever with the benefit of increased mileage! A FAART equipped greyhound not only provides the fuel to get to a lure course, but then can run also!

FAART provides quicker acceleration off the line and provides an extra boost during long straights for coursing dogs. It is completely legal according to existing ASFA and AKC rules.

FAART equipped greyhounds are currently being used to provide natural gas (methane) for the City of Albuquerque to run its public transportation system and to heat public buildings (higher BTU value = less fuel used). NOTE: since the introduction of FAART, Albuquerque has been recognized as a "clean air city" by the EPA.

FAART equipped greyhounds are an effective anti-crime device. During the execution of a crime against a FAART equipped system, FAART erupts and incapacitates the criminal, leading to an easy arrest. A word of caution, those in the company of a FAART equipped greyhound need to stay upwind or suffer the same debilitating consequences as the criminal.

FAART is effective fumigation for pesky, ground digging critters (see gophers, prairie dogs, woodchucks). It is quiet and efficient (subprogram SBD). During the testing process, an incident took place proving FAART's effectiveness at fumigation. A burrowing owl was downwind of the test area in an abandoned prairie dog town. As the gas permeated its underground nest, it reportedly staggered from its burrow saying, "give a hoot, don't pollute".

And, FAART is sub-sonic, so as not to disturb any protected, threatened, and/or endangered species in your area, i.e., black footed ferrets, desert kangaroo rats, mountain lions, Mojave tortoise, etc.

FAART does not use expensive fuels (ethanol and/or petroleum) that are notorious for polluting the atmosphere. It uses a cheap, readily available fuel source in the form of soy and soy by-products. This fuel can be purchased at any grocer, pet or feed store. It can even be legally grown at home and is good for the planet. Whatever is not used can be 100% recycled.

FAART is environmentally friendly.  When not in use, FAART can be shut down using Pepto-Bismol, Di-Gel, Gas-X, or any of the other gas reducing/eliminating items available in your local market or pharmacy reducing the possibility of a ruptured fuel cell or accidental leakage. FAART can also be disabled by the introduction of soy free fuels.

What is better than existing propulsion systems? Why, FAART, of course!

Rob Summerhill
CEO and Top Dawg

Elaine Summerhill
Secretary, Administrator, and all around Minion

Friday, September 6, 2013

Stalking Me...

The other day, Wednesday, we had a landscaper come to check out the front yard where I want to plant some trees and bushes.  There are multiple reasons for the plantings.
  1. To effect a repair of an area destroyed by the neighbors' donkeys;
  2. To serve as a visual barrier between the yards;
  3. To hide from view their destroyed property, which is an eyesore, and the piles of trash that litter the place;
  4. To help serve as somewhat of a 'noise break'; 
  5. To help serve as a windbreak; and
  6. To, hopefully, create a better curbside appeal, to show that most of us in this neighborhood have some pride of ownership.
Yesterday, after speaking with the landscaper on the phone, I was in my front yard, staring down the fence line, looking at the damage, and conceptualizing where we are going to place three tall pine trees and some wire fencing to protect them from the neighbors' donkeys.  I also scoped out dead & dying trees and shrubs for the landscape crew to remove...  trees & shrubs on my property that have been killed by the neighbors' donkeys.

banner607's Donkey Destruction album on Photobucket
So, while I'm out there, one of the neighbors just had to come outside to stare at me.  I don't know if they were trying to intimidate me, harass me, or what.  Nothing was said, they just stared.  It was most uncomfortable as I kept expecting a bullet in my back. If I walked anywhere, they followed, never saying anything...  just staring...  kinda like a stalker.  They are just rude.

They say, "good fences make good neighbors".  Seeing that fence should tell you something.  I can't fix it, it's their property and it's posted.  I took a chance once before to keep an animal from ingesting a plastic bag, not again.  After all, in their own words, if I were to trespass or bother their property, they could, "blow me away".  Nice....  huh....

Being stalked in Edgewood.....

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What We're Dealing With...

This morning, one of the neighbor's supporters decided to let me know on this blog their opinion of me & our efforts to keep our neighbors from starting a livestock rescue next door.

Jack pushing on the fence to graze my yard
Now mind you, they are currently keeping 5 donkeys in their 1/3 acre backyard where they allow them to push on the fence and graze our property.  Our property has been grazed so much that for a 3' wide swath it is nothing but bare dirt and a couple of newly rooted cholla & prickley pear cacti.   The donkeys pushing on the fence to get to our yard has really damaged it.  I knew it was in bad shape, but I didn't realize how bad it was until today when I was discussing options with the landscaper.  After really looking at the fence today, I'm not sure how it's holding those animals in that yard.

The fence posts are bent, which is to be expected.  The 4" square, wire field fencing is sagging.  It's sagging so much that it is down to the elbows of one of the smaller, standard sized donkeys. It won't be much longer before the mammoth donkeys will be able to step over it and into my yard.  The staples which held the fencing to the wooden corner posts have all pulled out.  Truly, the only thing holding up that fence, which is right on the property line, are the bent, metal, t-posts.  That's it folks!

Anyway, I've digressed.

The supporter of our neighbor, who didn't have the courage of their convictions to post their name, proceeded to lambaste me for standing against our neighbors.  Like our neighbors, they are nothing but bullies and they are cowardly ones, at that.  Heck, I'm not even going to say anything more about these obviously unbalanced people, I'll let their words do the talking.  Enjoy!

These kinds of people, animal rights activists, are all cut from the same mold.  The thrive on drama. They spread all kinds of misinformation & disinformation.  They love to be "the victim" and they are hypocrites.  They want people to believe they are kind & considerate, when they are everything but.

The comments above are just so typical and it just goes to show the kind of people we're dealing with.