Saturday, October 12, 2013

Where do we go from here...

Well, the neighbor's appeal of the Zoning Commissioner's ruling was heard by the Bernalillo County Board of Adjustment.

A goodly number of their supporters were there, speaking for them. Supporters included neighbors up the street, whom we have never met, and others who have seen fit to call me a liar and worse throughout this entire process simply because I do not want to live next door to a livestock rescue.  The air was heavy with tension and the ill feelings were palpable, so much so that after the hearing, when I found myself in danger of being left alone with them, I asked my neighbors, Karen & Terry, to please walk with me to the garage.

After they and their supporters spoke, it was our turn.  Concerns voiced included: noise, flooded pens, soiled rainwater run off, numbers of animals, the previous online threats made by the appellants, etc. It is truly a nasty business which has set neighbor against neighbor. The County Line Neighborhood Association, an entity which has extended invitations to those in the neighborhood who are in favor of the operation, also opposes the rescue as voted upon by the active members and that was made clear at the hearing.

After all sworn testimony had been heard, the Board members cussed & discussed the issue. I believed that Ms. Barbour was going to vote for them as she was the one who made the previous motion to give them another deferral.  It was obvious that the Chair, Mr. Carrillo (?), was supportive of them.  And, another member, Mr. Chavez, commented how it is beholden upon people to care for and to help animals (or something similar) and how much he tried to help animals.  "Oh great," I thought, "Here it comes.  They are going to be approved."  Much to my stunned surprise, Ms. Barbour motioned that they be denied the conditional use permit and, excepting the Chair, the Board upheld the Zoning Commissioner's ruling!

As many, including myself and my husband, in the opposition camp have stated throughout the process, we are not against donkey or animal rescue. We are against the establishment of a livestock rescue business, regardless of species, in a residential area where most properties are about 2 acres in size. An operation of the size they are running needs more acreage and many fewer neighbors. In the past 20 years, since we've moved here, at least 20 new houses have been erected within a 1/2 mile circumference of the neighbor's property. This is not the right location.

Now, the question is, where do we go from here.  Will they be filing another appeal, this time to the County Commissioners?  Will they cease operations?  Will they move?  Will they continue doing business as normal?  Will the County issue them a 'cease and desist operations' letter? So many, many questions.  Guess we'll be finding out sooner or later.  For now, I'm just glad this is somewhat over.

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