Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Band-aids, bubble gum, and baling wire..."

However you want to describe the temporary fixes applied to restore solvency to state finances, it's just the beginning of what is likely to be a twisting and rock path leading to the 55th Legislature that convenes in January 2021." - ABQ Chamber of Commerce.

The preceding paragraph says everything. The Democrat progressives in the New Mexico Legislature and the Democrat Progressive Governor, Michelle Lujan-Grisham, need to stop disrespecting the working class, the working families of New Mexico with their pretense of fixing the budget. We are NOT stupid!

The Democrat progressives to do list...

  • Stop procrastinating & open the state for business
  • Stop pursuing a progressive agenda & address fixing the budget
  • Stop spending billions of dollars that the state doesn't have & work within a viable balanced budget
  • Stop tampering with the election process without any input from the taxpaying citizens

According to State Sen Mark Moores, during the 'closed to the people' special session, which was supposed to address a budget emergency, "behind closed doors, they increased state government spending by 1.5%. They also 'balanced' the budget with cloak & mirrors by counting $750 million in Federal COVID money that Federal law currently says cannot be used for state spending."

New Mexico doesn't need Federal dollars. We NEED a governor and a legislature that knows how to live within their means, just like any taxpayer.  The biggest problem that New Mexico is currently facing is progressive Democrats, who go through money faster than a drunken sailor with a hole in his pocket. I hate insulting sailors by comparing them to progressive Democrats. Sailors stand for something honorable; progressives, however,...

Milan Simonich nailed it in an Op-Ed in the Santa Fe New Mexican, "Nothing Special But The Chaos in This Session."  I'm thankful it adjourned last night before the progressives could do even more harm and they have done harm. One such harmful bill they passed  concerns law enforcement and lapel cameras.

Now then, requiring law enforcement to wear cameras isn't necessarily a horrible thing, but the passed bill is vindictive & punishing. It's an 1) unfunded mandate and 2) holds the officer liable if the equipment fails. If it fails or if an officer doesn't wear a camera, that officer is assumed guilty for pick a crime and is punished. Like NM Red Flag Law, it destroys the basic American concept of innocent until proven guilty. It destroys due process.  This is not only insanity, this is TYRANNY.

Folks, we really need to join forces and fight the power drunk progressives. They are drunk on power and they are abusing their power every chance they get. And, they can because they hold all the cards. It will be much, much worse if they continue to win & expand their power come November. In truth, there really is only one solution for the problems facing New Mexico and the tyranny being exercised by the progressives. That most obvious solution is for we the people to Vote Red 2020, to elect responsible people who respect New Mexico and the New Mexican citizens.

We MUST vote the power hungry & abusive progressive Democrats out of office!

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