Monday, July 13, 2020

Wujan Lujan...

For those who don't know, Wujan Lujan is New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham. The woman is an abject failure. However, she's a typical, Leftist, dictator wanna be.

The Governor, back on June 23rd took full credit when COVID numbers fell. However, a week or so later, rather than take the blame for rising numbers, which many, myself included, believe are connected to the violent riots & protests.

Those riots & protests took place over the Memorial Day weekend at the end of May until around June 20. Just about 2 to 3 weeks later, the COVID numbers started creeping up and it appears to be affecting younger people in their 20s and 30s. Go figure...

Anyway, in response, our dear Governor gave a presser on Thursday, July 9th, where she again closed indoor seating in restaurants and blamed the good citizens of New Mexico for the rising numbers.
"We must all adopt a zero tolerance policy for risks and risky behaviors. Businesses in and of themselves aren't creating the risk, people are. Restaurants did not do this to New Mexico, New Mexicans did this to restaurants."
How arrogant! How despicable! She is supposed to be the leader of this state. She takes credit for the plusses fast enough but throws the blame for her policies & actions onto the people, punishing those who have done no wrong.

Other people being punished include campers, hikers & backpackers. As of today, July 13, visitors to New Mexico state parks must display proof of residency. Reminds me of a scene in the movie, Hunt for Red October. The XO Borodin of the submarine tells Capt Ramius, he will have a pickup truck and "maybe a recreational vehicle. And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?" After Ramius' answer, Borodin, "No papers?" Ramius replies, "No papers. State to state." Ramius and Borodin would be most disappointed today as 'papers' are now required.

How many people are going to lose their homes  at the end of July? How many people are going to become homeless because where they worked closed their doors permanently? Where is her much acclaimed caring for the little people? Actions speak louder than words and her actions clearly show her disdain and coldness towards the 'pee ons' she wants to rule as our Tsar. It's the little people she's crushing under the heels of her cowboy boots.

She has also banned school sports, denying high school students the opportunity to win sports scholarships. She has also mandated that people SHALL WEAR a face mask, even when exercising. Included in that mandate are those with breathing issues, as I was informed today. Those with COPD, asthma, and other breathing issues must wear a mask, contrary to CDC & their doctors' orders. When people start to die, who is she going to blame then?  My guess is anyone other than herself.

The only thing Michelle Lujan-Grisham knows is how to coerce and put fear into people. She rules by fear. She rules in a dictatorial manner. She threatens businesses & business owners on the verge of bankruptcy, those hanging on by a thread, with excessive fines and jail time, all while she releases convicted criminals from prison.

Wujan Lujan needs to be removed from office. New Mexicans need to Vote Red in 2020 and flip both houses of the Legislature so we can begin impeachment processes to remove her. We have no recall power other than impeachment and, while the Legislature is Democrat owned, that isn't going to happen.

New Mexico! Vote Red! We have nothing more to lose & everything to gain.

Yours in New Mexico...

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