Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Ahead; Fall Behind...

Ugh...  Today is the day that the clocks moved forward.  As I sit here typing this, I want to apologize ahead of tiem for any typing and/or grammatical errors.  Losing an hour of sleep is not conducive to my being correct in a lot of things. After all... I'm operating in a sleep deprived mode.  I so love my sleep...

My personal belief is that Daylight Savings Time needs to go away. Whatever purpose it originally had is long gone. The only thing it does is make people grumpy and it raises one's risk of having a heart attack in the days immediately following.  Other consequences of getting up an hour earlier due to DST are: more car accidents are reported the Monday following, more accidents in the workplace, increased weight, higher blood pressure, and less productivity. So, why does the gov't stick with it? What benefit arises from it?

Arizona and Hawaii do not participate in Daylight Savings Time. I think it's time we get smart and join them.

I bid you adieu...  I'm going back to sleep.

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