Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where has the year gone???

Good Lord! Where has the year gone?

It seems like it was only a couple of weeks ago that I last posted here. Oops! Try it's been nearly 8 months!

A lot has happened in that time. Sadly, we had to say good-bye to an old friend, BJ. BJ took a huge piece of my heart with him when he left, and it has taken me forever to recover. In truth, I'm not sure I have recovered from that loss. Even so, the puppies, which are now two years old, have done their best to fill that hugh chasm.

The puppies - Banner, Glory & Nampa.... my 'three stooges'...

Banner has finished two field championships during the past 8 months. He finished his AKC field championship in April and just this past September, he finished his ASFA field championship with a 2nd place finish in the Open stakes on Saturday at the Grand National. That boy is a talented runner. I cannot wait until he sees Mr. Jack this winter. I'm hoping & praying that he continues to course all in one piece. That is my biggest fear... that he breaks. In addition to his running titles, Banner has picked up his 2nd major in the breed ring. Now, he only needs 5 single points. They may take the longest, altho' we have dogshows on 10/10 & 10/11 sporting a 3 point major both days. With luck, maybe he'll cross over for the points to finish his dual championship.

Glory hasn't done much in the breed ring, but not for lack of try. Many judges just do not find her their cup of tea for any number of reasons: too moderate, popping elbow, too muscled... However, she picked up a 1st placement at the Grand Nat'l to add 40 ASFA points to her quest for that field championship. And, she picked up a major in AKC lure coursing in April. Only time will tell with her. Regardless of whether or not she gets any titles, she is a sweet, loving pup. She is very much her momma's daughter in attitude and temper.
Nampa is another talented boy. He has to have close to a 20' stride on him! He finished 4th both days of the Grand Nat'l to finish his ASFA field championship, pending confirmation. I think I've counted all his placements & points correctly, but, one never knows for sure until that confirmation is received. He may still need a placement. Argh!!! Nampa most recently had his coming out party as a "special" at the Elk City, OK shows. On Saturday, he put on such a show in the ring that the judge was laughing 2 hours later. Yep, he's special! However, on Sunday, he kept 4 on the floor to take best of breed over a nationally ranked special, Ch Gaia Woodland Waltz. In the group ring, he made the judge's cut. I'm proud of the boy. He's a keeper.

*** Pictures of the Grand National can be found at Big Paw Prints.

Other than that, I'm very proud to say that my loving hubby, Rob, took on a new job in March with a company called CompRay. To date, they seem to be a very good company and good to their employees. Hurrah!

Other excitement around here has been some interesting weather. Now NM is known for its rainbows and we see many, quite a few of which are double rainbows. However, NM is not known for nasty weather. Back in late August, early September, we spotted this just over the hill from us. Thankfully, other than a couple of fences coming down, there were no injuries or severe damage to dwellings. These things are scary.

Oh, and after 5 days of feeling sick, I finally went to the doctor. I have pneumonia. Joy - NOT! At least, they did not admit me to the hospital but sent me home with medication and orders to take it easy. Go figure...

Yours in hounds.....

1 comment:

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Yikes, you need to get well! Sorry to hear about BJ. Sounds like everyone else is doing well. You should post more often. I like to read blogs about working greyhounds.
