Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Word on the Street Is....

Following are some statements heard out & about the week of April 15.

Steffanie B. "I blame animal rights groups. This is just a example of what happens when animal right asstwats get their way. Who is suffering but animals? Their unreasonable and outrageous demand were met, and you have a system that abuses innocent animals. The state never takes good care of anything."


"The State never takes good care of anything." that also includes people, yet more & more we are surrendering our rights to the government so it can take care of us. Bah! Humbug!

They don't want us having guns or dogs to defend ourselves with. They don't want us having animals for food. They don't want us having pets for companionship. The govt wants to own you, control you and have you dependent on them for EVERYTHING, including healthcare.  Hence Obamacare...

Since the inception of Obamacare, too many people with whom I am acquainted are not receiving proper medical attention, such as Joe. Joe has cancer. He had been notified that his doctor would order a needed hormone shot through the pharmacy for Joe to pick up and take it to the doctor. Joe expected it to be just another script cost and co-pay.


The problem is that the shot is a cancer TREATMENT and not a PRESCRIPTION, so the insurance won't pay for it written as a prescription. However, the hospital won't prepay for the it either because they aren't getting refunded for their cost, leaving Joe caught in the middle. As it is, Joe is getting billed for the shots and until the insurance provider and hospital figure it all out, he won't be reimbursed. He paid out of pocket for the first shot and the doctor paid for the second shot. Hopefully, it will be figured out before he needs his 3rd shot.

This is CANCER folks.  Cancer is a killer and Joe's is Stage 4.

Then, there's Mary.  Mary has breast cancer, which was diagnosed in January.  It took more than 6 months, post diagnosis, for her to get approval from the insurance provider to see an oncologist to begin treatment. By the time of her appointment with the oncologist, the cancer metastasized to her bones. What may have been curable is now terminal.

I find that totally unacceptable.

Re: CA, the drought, and Moonbeam Brown's water restrictions...

“All in all, California farmers fallowed about 500,000 acres of land this year,” the Wall Street Journal reported in June 2014. “But here's the thing: much of this land could have been productive had the state stored up more water from wet years and not flushed 800,000 acre-feet into the San Francisco Bay last winter and an additional 445,000 acre-feet this spring to safeguard the endangered delta smelt.”

“That's enough for roughly three million households to live on and to irrigate 600,000 acres of land,” the WSJ reported.

According to the University of California-Davis, this represents the “greatest water loss ever seen” for California agriculture and resulted in the loss of 17,000 seasonal and part-time jobs.

“Does that make any sense?” Grove asked in the video. “Are these fish that valuable?

“Should we always put fish over humans?” Grove asked.

“So I have one more question to ask you,” Grove said. “What civilized society destroys its own food source for a three-inch fish?”

That's all folks!

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