Saturday, July 4, 2015

Trump Trumps RINOs on Illegal Immigration

While I don't particularly care for Trump, he makes a valid point about illegal aliens and crime, as illustrated just yesterday by the senseless murder of a young woman by an illegal alien (who'd already been deported 5 times) in San Francisco. 

The guy, who shot her, said he was "shooting at seals", a Federal offense for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is the Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1974. Another Federal offense of which he is guilty is the possession of a firearm. Illegal aliens are not permitted to own or use guns in the USA because they are criminals and to compound this, the shooter has at least 7 prior felony convictions. Those are multiple violations of the Gun Control Act of 1968.

This isn't an isolated incident. It isn't the only one to occur. 
Other incidents, in which the illegal aliens were just sentenced in 2015, include the following. None of these are associated with terrorism. 
  • July 2015 — Ever Olivos-Gutierrez, an illegal visa overstayer, was convicted of second degree murder in Colorado for the death he caused while driving intoxicated. It was the fourth time since 2000 he had been arrested for DUI, but there was no record of immigration authorities ever being notified. He was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment. (Denver Channel 7, 2015)
  • June 2015 — A Salvadoran, Mauricio Hernandez, convicted of rape and murder of the baby born to his victim was sentenced to 50 years in prison in Texas and faces deportation when he has served his sentence. (The Dallas Morning News, June 5, 2015)
  • May 2015 — A Salvadoran, Julio C. Saravia, faces deportation following a prison sentence of 29 years for rape of a minor, to which he pled guilty in Virginia.
  • May 2015 — Two Mexicans, Juan Hernandez-Sanchez and (FNU) Canela-Perez, pled guilty in Portland, Oregon and were sentenced to seven years in state prison for distribution of methamphetamines and heroin. (Oregonian, May 14, 2015)
  • May 2015 — Zeng Liang Chen and Dong Biao Lin, illegal aliens from China, were convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison in New Jersey. (, May 5, 2015)
  • May 2015 —Bernabe Flores, a Mexican illegal alien, pled guilty to first-degree rape in California and was sentenced to eight years in prison. (Times-Herald Record, May 7, 2015)
  • April 2015 — Victor Garzon-Alvarez, a Mexican illegal alien pled guilty and was sentenced in New Jersey to 14 years in prison for murder. (, April 22, 2015)
  • April 2015 — Sergio Quezada Lopez, a Mexican illegal alien who had been deported four times, was sentenced in Oregon to 15 years in prison for a heroin overdose death. His brother, Gerardo Chalke Lopez, also a previously deported alien, was earlier sentenced to 18 years in prison on the same charges. (Oregonian, April 29, 2015)
  • April 2015 — Three illegal aliens, Uriel Ramirez-Perez, Darwin Zuniga-Rocha, and Eliseo Mateo Perez, pled guilty to first-degree sexual abuse (rape) in New York and were sentenced to time served in jail and will be deported. (Daily News, April 29, 2015)
  • March 2015 — Javier Guerrero Molina, a Mexican illegal alien, was sentenced in federal court in Jacksonville, Florida to 10 years imprisonment for attempting to transport a minor to engage in sexual activity. Guerrero said he had entered the United States illegally in 1999 or 2000. (Dept. of Justice, Middle District of Florida, March 30, 2015)
  • March 2015 — An Idaho judge sentenced Phuong Hoang Le, a Vietnamese illegal alien, to prison for 36 months. Le was convicted of possession of a stolen car and stolen credit card. The judge  commented, "Stealing cars and credit cards strike at the hearts of average middle class citizens." The prosecutor said that Le had 10 prior felony convictions, but that according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, he is not likely to be deported because if Le were to be deported to Vietnam "he would be killed." ( — March 25, 2015)
  • March 2015 — Luis Daniel Cabrera-Guzman, a Mexican illegal alien, was sentenced in Kansas City to two years in federal prison for conspiracy to produce and distribute false and counterfeit identification documents that were sold to illegal aliens. He had previously been deported twice in 2009. Four other Mexican illegal aliens have pled guilty to the same conspiracy and await sentencing. (Kansas City infozine, March 25, 2015)
I am all in support of LEGAL immigration and I think our system needs reform. However, those who come here illegally need to be deported, regardless of their point of origin, and banished from the path to citizenship forever. If they aren't going to honor our laws, they don't need to be here. 

My grandparents and a couple of my aunts came here legally at a time when they could have been turned away at the gate. They walked from their villages in the Ukraine to Bremen, Germany there they arranged passage on a ship. They had nothing but they entered legally. That's the least other foreign nationals can do. 

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